Why is karaoke good for your employee satisfaction?

Karaoke is good for you and your team because it brings people together, always makes the best party, and has a lot of physical and mental health benefits that make working and life in general just a bit more fun and enjoyable.

Karaoke is often a team effort where you get to know sides from your workmates that you never knew before. While being extremely fun, it strengthens communities and makes people work better together.

1. Karaoke is inclusive and brings people together

Although a quick solo karaoke session during lunch break can give you a good boost for the rest of the day, singing is often something people experience together. It strengthens ties between people and helps to establish a deeper connection. More connected communities work better together.

“Our members had a great time and keep asking for another one! It was one of the most popular Happy Hours we had in the building and we can’t wait to host it again.”

Marta Bello, Community Lead Hospitality & Events, WeWork

Karaoke party people singing away at the office

2. Karaoke always makes the best party

After a hard days work there's no better way to relax than by releasing your inner singer and having a karaoke party with friends. And no, alcohol doesn't have to be involved in the equation. All you need is a will to step our of your comfort zone and have fun together. Like this guy:

3. Singing has proven health benefits

Good things come for those who Singa. The health benefits of karaoke are many as singing has been proven to strengthen the immune system, improve posture, release stress and endorphins, make you happier, etc. The list goes on and on.

4. Setting up your karaoke with Singa is super easy

Singa Pro works on iPad that comes with in the package, free of charge. 

If you want to give your employees something exciting and out-of-the-box, Singa Business is a perfect solution for that. It's a truly modern, cost-effective, plug and play product for any venue to run its karaoke entertainment on. It's also 100% licensed for workplace use, unlike karaoke videos in Youtube.

To start your Monday morning meeting by belting out your favorite karaoke anthem, all you need is a screen, speakers and depending on the amount of noise you want to make - a mic. All of which are usually already available in a meeting room or event space.

If your staff is not yet singing, contact us and we'll fix the situation right away. Visit Singa Business or email us at sales@singabusiness.com.