What is a karaoke pod?

Karaoke is a fun-filled way to build better connections with current or future customers. It's a playful, and creative way to entertain people and inspire competitive socializing. When exploring private karaoke room options the options available for your establishment, you may encounter two terms: karaoke pod and karaoke room. Both setups are great, but have clear pros and cons depending on your needs.

In this article, we'll discuss what a karaoke pod is and how it differs from other popular options. Here's everything you need to know:

What is a karaoke pod?

A karaoke pod is a small sound-proofed box for singing karaoke with a screen, speaker, and microphones. They are often designed for a maximum of 4 people to sing karaoke at a time.

A karaoke pod designed by TVC available in the UK.

It's a great choice for a wedding, birthday celebration, holiday party, or work events, where you are looking to have pop-up karaoke as an entertainment option. Once you set up the space, people can enter the pod and sing karaoke.

Pods are also often used by karaoke room venues as a marketing tool at events and festivals, to feature aspects of their karaoke rooms and attract more customers.

Singa Karaoke Pod concept photo from Smartblock

What is the difference between a karaoke pod and a karaoke room?

The biggest difference is that karaoke pods are movable and non-permanent fixtures. Karaoke pods are also limited in size and space because of the portable aspect, where karaoke rooms are dependant on how big or small the room you use is.

A karaoke room is a more permanent solution than a karaoke pod. This option is designed to be rented out to customers to keep them entertained while they enjoy snacks and drinks at your establishment. Customers can rent the space for a specific amount of time, and order drinks or snacks to their karaoke room. A karaoke pod is a more temporary solution typically designed to be torn down at the end of the night.

A karaoke room built for up to 8 people at Star Karaoke.

Should I add a karaoke pod to my venue?

Karaoke pods are a decent option to test out the karaoke concept in a venue before committing more space and time to a fully dedicated karaoke room. They can also be great rental options for an event or to use as a marketing tool for your karaoke room venue to create a portable experience, like at AMPED, Milwaukee.

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Not sure which karaoke option is best for your establishment? Let's compare the differences between a karaoke pod and a karaoke room:

Karaoke Pods

  • Pro: Mobility: The best feature of karaoke pods is that they are mobile. While you likely will need equipment to move them, they can be moved from event to event or into different spaces in your venue.
  • Pro: Great for Events: It's a must-have activity for a special event that will keep guests entertained. Whether it's a wedding or a high school reunion, you can rest assured knowing it will be used all night!
  • Con: Not Ideal for Permanent Installations: Karaoke pods don't provide the flexibility in design, set-up, and brand integration that a fully designed room would allow.
  • Con: Won't Bring in Revenue: It's more challenging to make revenue off of a karaoke pod. Since the setup doesn't have a professional look and feel, you won't be able to make as much money off of the installation.

Karaoke Rooms

  • Pro: Adds a Second Stream of Revenue: A professionally built karaoke room with karaoke singing software can be a profitable investment for your company.
  • Pro: Keeps Customers Coming Back: A karaoke room will keep your customers coming back! This installation creates an intimate and entertaining environment your customers will love and appreciate.
  • Con: Higher Upfront Costs: Karaoke rooms will require additional installation fees. You may need to invest in an iPad, couches, tables, a TV, and high-quality karaoke software. Before making the investment, you'll want to consider the return on investment of the installation to ensure it's a good choice for your establishment.
  • Con: Not Ideal if Space is Limited: Whether you want to install 1, 3, or 5 karaoke rooms - you'll need to ensure you have the space to do so! If you don't have much space to work with, you can make smaller karaoke rooms. Consider the space before investing in the software needed for the karaoke rooms.

Upgrade to Singa for Business

While karaoke pods are a great temporary option, it's not ideal for all establishments. If you want to add karaoke to your establishment, you'll want to consider investing in a permanent option, like a karaoke room.

Singa Business offers versatile solutions to cater to your venue's unique needs:

  • Karaoke Rooms: Provide the ultimate karaoke room experience for your guests. Manage your karaoke rooms with features like time & session management, kiosk mode, and pre-made singlists.
  • Stage Karaoke: Easily run stage karaoke from an iPad for a modern karaoke experience with Singa Pro. Customers can find and request songs from a discovery station.
  • Self-Service Karaoke: A staff free way to create communal karaoke entertainment for your venue using Singa Business Box. Self-service karaoke is remarkably easy and cost-effective to add and operate.

Contact us today to learn more about Singa for Business.