How to sing better: Learn to sing with these 5 helpful online tools

Our philosophy at Singa karaoke is that everybody can sing and we are all superstars already! Still, it's always nice to learn new things; and developing your singing is super rewarding. We collected together 5 of our favourite online learning platforms, YouTube vocal coaches and singing apps so that you can start learning how to get better at singing right away!

1) 30 Day Singer

If you are looking to learn fast, we can warmly recommend for you. 30 Day Singer debunks all the old school singing myths and promises that they can turn anyone into a great singer. All you need to do is follow-along with their exercises and in only 30 days you will start to notice a big difference in your voice (or you get your money back). Sounds really good, don't you think? Try it out right away.

2) Cheryl Porter Vocal Coach

Above all, singing is fun and you will get to express yourself and release some good energy. Cheryl Porter is amazing and her sparkling personality will make you smile immediately when you start to learn with her. On her YouTube channel you can choose from super inspiring singing lesson videos to 10 Minute Daily VOCAL WORKOUT! which will make you sweat so much you may as well skip the gym and concentrate on singing :D

3) TakeLessons

Finding a perfect matching teacher for your style and personality is the key to development in long-term learning. Even if you want to learn the Rock influenced raspy singing or the Broadway musical soprano parts, on you can choose from hundreds of teachers and find the expert that matches your needs best. Most of the teachers are located in the US but they can run online singing lessons around the world. On TakeLessons you can also learn to play other musical instruments and different languages or even how to sew!

4) Madeleine Harvey Voice Lessons

Madeleine Harvey is an extremely professional voice teacher and songwriting teacher who has tens of videos about voice lessons, singing techniques, songwriting tips, and performance best practices on her popular YouTube channel. All of her videos answer to questions from singers just like you. Madeleine Harvey gives tips from how to develop dramatic vibrato to how to increase your vocal range, and also analyzes different singing styles with inspiring examples. Which this energetic YouTube channel anyone can develop from good to excellent singer!

5) Singa Karaoke

You can use Singa Karaoke together with all the above! From the world's leading karaoke app you can find over 80 000 songs to practice with these brilliant teachers and tutorials. Plus, you can also adjust the tempo and pitch of the karaoke versions of your songs, and choose from multiple song variants to find the piece just for your needs. You can always start with an easy songs at the beginning and move to more difficult ones as you progress.

Singa also hosts the popular Karaoke Lovers Unite Facebook group where singers around the world share their singing videos and hype and cheer each other. What we've learnt is that you need this encouragement and supportive energy to soar in your journey to improve your singing. And when you have practiced enough, you can go to one of the Singa-powered karaoke venues and show your skills on a live stage. Join the worldwide Singa family and share the magic of singing!

These are our favourites! Of course there are millions of ways to learn 'cause we are all individuals. So choose your own path and enjoy the thrilling journey to become a brilliant singer :)