The hospitality industry is pulling together to make sure that we are able to open up venues again and provide an experience that our customers have missed during lockdown. Are you thinking about how you can run entertainment in your venue post lockdown? Singa has some tips and ideas on how you could make sure your karaoke sessions are profitable and safe when you reopen.
Karaoke Booths
If you have a karaoke booth, managing pre-booked times and restricting numbers of people in the space at any one time could help you make sure you can keep running your karaoke sessions. Leaving time between bookings will enable you to sanitise the equipment for the next group.
If you don't have a karaoke booth, it's time to start thinking about how you can transform unused space in your venue, a storage room or a corner, to turn it into a karaoke booth. We wrote a blog about how you can do that easily which you can read here.
Mobile Requests

No more song books!
Something we have been preaching for a long time and it's now more important than ever! With Singa, your guests can request a song from their mobile device which means, no shouting over the booth at your KJ and no passing around an old song book that everyone in the venue has touched. Limited touchpoints and a contactless experience is going to be vital for customer safety.

We've all been washing our hands at home but it's time to think about cleaning surfaces that your customers will touch too. That includes your microphones. You can get disposable microphone covers which you can change between each singer and have plenty of anti-bacterial wipes close by to wipe down the microphone frequently too.
Outdoor Karaoke

If you have a patio or an outdoor space you can organise karaoke outdoors. We know that coronavirus is much less likely to spread in the outdoors and with summer coming, it's certainly an outdoor activity worth considering. You will need power to your outdoor space for sound reproduction and projector screens work really well in the sunlight but you can make it work with the equipment you have already to try it out. If you need advise a local AV rental company could help you out.
If you have any questions about how Singa can help you run your karaoke safely when you reopen feel free to contact us here and our team is always happy to chat. Want to play with the system yourself? We are offering a 30 day free, no obligation trial of our Singa Business Lite product which you can sign up for here